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This blog is a direct result of too much rain in Vancouver. I suspect it will be a place where I will post thoughts about my current readings or about the events of the day. Who is going to stop him? January 18, 2018.
This BLOG features periodic essays, poetry, life observations, anecdotes, and other musings. Wednesday, March 28, 2018. Read this article and thank you thank you thank you.
THIS WAS THE FINAL POST TO THIS SITE BEFORE IT WENT DORMANT. Of course, I will always continue to work for and support fair treatment on behalf of.
Divizet o deus Mouladurioù Hor Yezh adembann al levr kaer ha bamus-se, bet moulet evit ar wech kentañ ha nemeti e 1942 gant Skrid ha Skeudenn. Priz al levr a vo 15 euro betek an deiziad merket a-us, kuit a vizoù-kas. Publié par Mouladurioù hor Yezh. Geriadurig brezhoneg-saozneg ha saozneg-brezhoneg, Raymond Delaporte. 8226; war-dro 11 500 pennger ken e brezhoneg ken e saozneg ;. 8226; Un abrégé de grammaire co.